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IT & Cyber Security - Curriculum

Key Stage 5 




Curriculum Information

This qualification has been developed under the guidance of The Tech-Partnership and the British Computer Society (BCS) who are the sectors primary professional bodies. The learner will cover topics such as:  

  • How devices communicate, focusing on both physical transmission methods and the media which they use  
  • Designing and developing a simple computer network from a user specification and creating a maintenance plan 
  • The identification and resolution of a range of threats and vulnerabilities  
  • Learners will learn how cyber security operatives keep up-to-date on new threats and vulnerabilities, and how administrators record actions taken and planned against maintenance activities. Transferable skills are those generic ‘soft skills’ that are valued by employers and higher education alike.  

The following transferable skills have been contextualised into the content of the qualification:  

  • Communication (oral and written)  
  • Research 
  • Problem-solving


Seven of the units in this qualification are mandatory and will provide a core knowledge and understanding of IT: cyber security and security administration. An additional two units are offered – one of which must be studied and achieved by the candidate to make up the full eight units required by this programme. Building on the underpinning units of the fundamental principles of computing, communication technologies and the development and maintenance of a network, learners will explore threats and vulnerabilities; they will consider how identity and access to systems is managed and how network security is administrated.  

Maths is essential to this pathway and there are opportunities to improve learner’s skills in this area. To complete the qualification learners can choose from two units which have a different focus. Programming for networking and security will provide an opportunity to study the rudiments of programming, focusing more directly on client and server side scripting. Learners will also learn the key features and functions of operating system shell scripting and data encryption. As an alternative, learners could opt to study the Computer forensic investigation unit, which explores the forensic process for gathering information following a cyber-security breach. Learners will explore the tools and software used in this environment, undertaking a forensic examination and presenting the evidence using the correct processes and procedures.  

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Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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