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Where can I buy school uniform? 

School uniform and sports kit are available from Yorbrand Limited and may be ordered online or from their shop at 67 Victoria Road, Scarborough YO11 1SH  -  

More information can be found in the Business Dress section of the Parent Handbook.

How do I report my child’s absence?

Please contact the school on the school’s main reception number (01723) 821621 or report the absence via leaving a message on the absence line on the first day of illness as soon as possible after 08:00am and each day thereafter. If we have not heard from parents on the first day of an absence then our Attendance Officer will make telephone contact or send a text message on the same day.  Should your child refuse to attend school for any reason please contact the Attendance Officer, Miss Brown who will liaise with the Pastoral Manager, Mrs McLeod to help resolve any issues. 

If the school is closed due to inclement weather, how will I be informed? 

Every effort is made to keep the school open during inclement weather, however, if the decision is made to close the school you will be notified via the following ways:

  • Phone call home
  • Text message via MCAS
  • Social Media
  • School website
  • Radio

If the school has to be closed part way through the day we will call/send a text to parents informing you that school is closing and that students are being sent home early.  It is very important that you keep us updated with any change of mobile number. 

How can I request a meeting with my child’s teacher? 

Please contact the school office if you would like to arrange an appointment with your child’s teacher.  If your call is not answered due to a high volume of calls, please leave a message and a member of staff will get back to you.

Once your appointment has been confirmed, please sign in on the monitor at the main reception desk, informing the receptionist of whom you are visiting.

During your visit, you will be required to observe any displayed or verbal instructions, and signage in place around the premises, such as fire and health & safety information.

We request that you do not visit if you or any member of your household are showing any symptoms of, or are awaiting test results for, a contagious illness.

Parents Evenings and Progress Reviews are held throughout the school year when you will be given the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress. 

 If my child has additional needs, how can we access relevant support? 

If my child has additional needs, how can we access relevant support?  Scarborough UTC is committed to meeting the needs of all its students.  To this end, it employs dedicated SEND staff, as well as providing appropriate training for classroom teachers.  If you have any concerns regarding your child’s progress, please contact Mrs. Briggs, our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo).

The Learning Support Team staff consists of a number of teaching assistants who provide both in-class support and individual or small group interventions out of class.  Our teaching assistants will regularly provide feedback and support on students to the SENDCo which in turn can be fed into the reviews held for our students with SEND

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Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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