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You can apply to Scarborough UTC online here >

Thank you for your interest in studying at Scarborough UTC. We are now accepting applications for Year 9, Year 10 and Year 12 for September 2025. 

Wherever possible we encourage all students and parents considering Scarborough UTC to book for a tour of the facilities prior to submitting your application. 

For more information and dates of upcoming open events, please see the Events section on the website or contact or call 01723 821621.

All applicants will have an individual meeting with a member of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss aspirations and ensure that Scarborough UTC can support you in achieving these. Conditional offers will be made following the application and interview process, and all successful applicants will be invited to an information event in the summer term. 

If you are unable to access the online application, please contact or call 01723 821621 to discuss alternative methods to apply. 

Y9/Y10 Process

Step 1

Complete an application form by using this link - click here 

Step 2

Once you have applied you and your parents will be invited to an individual meeting with a member of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss aspirations and ensure that Scarborough UTC can support you in achieving these. We will expect to see ID, previous school reports and attendance records at this meeting.

Step 3

Once you have received an offer of a place and accepted you will be invited to our Parent Information and Enrolment Evening in June to finalise your move to Scarborough UTC

Step 4

There will be a two day induction period as we welcome you to Scarborough UTC in September.

Y12 Process

Step 1

Complete an application form by clicking here

Step 2

Once you have applied and you application has been accepted you will be invited along to a meeting where you will decide which A Levels and/or technical qualifications to study.

Step 3

You will receive a conditional offer subject to examination results.

Step 4

You will be invited to an induction event in July which will allow you to take part in tasters in your chosen subjects and take part in a range of activities to get a feel for life at Sixth Form @Scarborough UTC.

Step 5

You will need to enrol to Sixth Form @Scarborough UTC as soon as possible on or after GCSE results day. Please see our calendar for further information about times and dates for enrolment.

Step 6

There will be an induction period as we welcome you to Scarborough UTC in September.

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Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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