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Become a Sponsor

For more information on becoming a sponsor, please download our Partner Engagement Strategy document below.


Why Become a Sponsor of SUTC

The aims of our curriculum are to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding needed by good engineers and computer scientists to be able to progress in to the best career opportunities in the engineering and computer science fields both locally, regional, and nationally.  The intention is that a significant element of the curriculum focuses on the core skills needed to succeed in these areas; these are literacy, numeracy, engineering and computer science technical skills and professional values and employability skills. 

In order to achieve our vision and curriculum aims, we require the support of our industry partners to ensure that the Scarborough UTC curriculum provides extensive opportunities for our students to engage with industry.  It is through this engagement that we are able to help our partner businesses achieve the following: 

  • Providing opportunities to demonstrate the jobs and careers available within their organisation (or employment sector) 
  • Providing opportunities to find recruits from a regular supply of UTC leavers who have the requisite skills, thereby helping to reduce their recruitment and training costs 
  • Providing opportunities to contribute to the community and to build links which will enhance the profile and reputation of their own organisation and sector 
  • Providing opportunities to contribute directly to young people’s education, through influencing the UTC curriculum, their attitudes towards work and helping them to develop their professional values and employability skills. 
  • Providing motivational and professional development opportunities for those members of their staff who are directly involved with the young people at Scarborough UTC. 
  • Promoting diversity by encouraging more young people from a wider range of backgrounds to consider careers in their industry. 

As an industry partner, through participation and investment in Scarborough UTC Partner Engagement Strategy, they are directly influencing the calibre of UTC graduates, both in terms of the quality of skills. 

To enquire further about becoming a sponsor please email

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Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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