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Computer Science Curriculum

Key Stage 4


KS4 Curriculum Intention 

We deliver OCR Computer Science at KS4. We have chosen this specification to provide all students the opportunity to study Computer Science at GCSE and provide them with the qualification needed to progress to post 16 educations. The course studied provide students with the opportunity to increase their subject knowledge as they progress through each module and to make informed choices about their post 16 options. This course dovetails smoothly with the specifications, we teach at KS5. This enables us to continue to spiralise our substantive and disciplinary knowledge from KS3 to KS5 effectively. The curriculum allows students to continue to build up schema, develop a broad understanding of the workings of the digital technical world around them, identify and address misconceptions. Students further develop their computational thinking skills to enable them to be successful in in the practical elements of the course which in turn provides them the necessary skills at KS5. We review our SOL on a rolling ongoing basis, and we work closely with schools in our trust.

KS4 Core Curriculum Knowledge Covered

Currently we teach computer science in the sequence recommended by the examination board supported the SOL, organised around key technical concepts. In Y10 we teach the practical elements alongside the content studied for paper1 which is further underpinned with theory content in year 11. The content covered at KS4 is organised to take advantage of mutually beneficial curriculum connections, not only within computer science but between other subject areas in college. We are currently reviewing the tasks and challenges of the programming elements of the course, to improve and support students in communication and mathematics.

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Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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