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Work Experience

Work Experience is a key part of life here at Scarborough UTC as we teach technical excellence to make employable graduates. The students partake in a week of work experience each year and many work with our employer partners to develop their engineering and cyber security skills.


Students are expected to learn by doing and this practical experience gives them current knowledge of the workplace.  

Students are free to choose where they would like to do their placements that are all insured and checked by the North Yorkshire Business and Enterprise Partnership. We offer advice and support to students to gain placements that will develop their skills and confidence in the workplace. Many students have gained employment through their work experience placements and are now working for Unison, Osprey and Deep Sea Electronics either in their school holidays alongside their studies or as a full time career. 

 In order to develop student confidence and employability mock interviews with our local partners help prepare students for the world of work. 

"I have learnt to become more independent and have developed my confidence and have had an amazing week”

Jess at Dunslow Road Veterinary Practice


 "I really learnt what the world of work is like and the people were very friendly"

- Charlotte at Associated British Ports

"She has gained an immense amount of knowledge and insight into possible job opportunities to consider for her future"

Parent about WEX 2019

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Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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