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Health and Social Care

Key Stage 3



Year 9 Intention

Our year 9 curriculum provides a foundation year that prepare students for learning and assessment at KS4 and 5. Our model lays the foundations of both vocational and academic study, while providing an appreciation of complementing ideas many beyond the usual for KS3. Students will be challenged to consider the world around them through varying lenses and so play ‘devil’s advocate’ for those who face restricted life chances. The vocational element of health and social care transforms learning into the professional, and through case studies, wider reading, and employer engagement, prepare them to put into practice the care values that will be required of them in future professions.

Year 9 Core Curriculum Knowledge Covered

The health and social care foundation encourages students to grasp a basic understanding of chronological growth and development through the life stages followed by factors affecting growth and development and the support available for those who face challenges. They will examine the values required to provide effective and professional care in a range of settings, including the importance of maintaining dignity and using effecting and appropriate communication.

Wider curriculum links

Our content and topic areas are closely allied to the World Views and Modern Issues and Personal Development curricula, with an understanding of diversity and difference at the heart of the subjects.

  • Geography – migration, population & demographics
  • Biology – physiology, adolescence & puberty
  • Statistics – interpretation of quantitative data

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Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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