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Health and Social Care

Key Stage 4



KS4 Curriculum Intention

At KS4 students follow the OCR Level ½ Cambridge National in Health and Social Care. The specification offers a breadth of study, which will build directly upon the learning taken place in the Year 9 foundation year. The Cambridge National in Health and Social Care introduces students to the specialist knowledge and skills needed to work in care settings. Underpinning the qualification is a focus on core values and communicating with individuals to maintain their dignity and sense of being valued. Health and social care is a useful qualification for student choosing traditionally academic or vocational futures providing subject knowledge, understanding, and vocational and academic skills.

Exam KS4 Curriculum Knowledge Covered

The rights of service users, person-centred values and how to apply them. Effective communication skills and the procedures and measures used to protect individuals such as safeguarding, hygiene and security. Life stages and the factors that affect them, unexpected life events and the impact they will have on physical, social/emotional and socio-economic aspects in an individual’s life. Service providers and practitioners that can support individuals. Creative and therapeutic activities are used in both health and social care settings because of the many benefits to individuals. The different types of creative and therapeutic activities that are available and how those involved enjoy the experience and benefit from taking part in terms of the physical, intellectual, emotional and social benefits of these.

Wider Curriculum Links

Our content and topic areas are closely allied to the World Views and Modern Issues and Personal Development curricula, with an understanding of diversity and difference at the heart of the subjects.

  • Geography – migration, population & demographics
  • Biology – physiology, adolescence & puberty
  • Statistics – interpretation of quantitative data

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Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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