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Geography Curriculum



Foundation Curriculum Intention

The foundation year follows the Oxford University Press Geog.3 student text book. This is backed up by a college subscription to Kerboodle. This allows students access to an ‘online’ version of the text book as well as assessments linked to each section in the book. It is important to lay a foundation of knowledge that embraces an appreciation of the UK and the wider world. Students are taught numerous geographical skills such as mapping techniques, graphical skills and the ability to create annotated diagrams. They are encouraged to describe patterns and explain the processes associated with the creation of both the physical and human features of the world.

Year 9 Core Curriculum Knowledge Covered

The specification delivered consolidates and extends knowledge of the world’s major countries and their physical and human features. Students understand how geographical processes interact to create distinctive human and physical landscapes that change over time. In doing so, they become aware of increasingly complex geographical systems in the world around them. They develop greater competence in using geographical knowledge, approaches and concepts [such as models and theories] and geographical skills in analysing and interpreting different data sources. In this way students will continue to enrich their locational knowledge and spatial and environmental understanding.

Mutually beneficial curriculum connections

  • Geography and Environmental Science are both subjects where cross curriculum links embrace many different subjects.
  • Maths is explored in many different formats particularly with reference to the presentation and manipulation of data sets.
  • English is vital to the production of comprehensive, well written answers to questions. Marginalisation and urbanization are both covered as part of the English curriculum, and are revisited in geography.
  • Human geography topics are relevant to both history and Personal development and students are strongly encouraged to empathise with those in poorer countries, or those that have suffered due to social, economic or environmental disasters.
  • Science is explored in many different topics – such as electricity production, biomes throughout the globe.
  • Engineering may be explored through the development of new technologies such as hydro-electric production and the rapidly developing area of wind power.
  • Computer science is referred to in different contexts, particularly the growing quaternary sector of employment.
  • Health and sociology topics underpin students understanding of hot topics such as water stress and health issues in different areas of the globe.

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Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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