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Engineering Curriculum

Key Stage 5





KS5 Curriculum Intention

We offer 3 qualifications at KS5;

  • OCR Cambridge Technicals Diploma in Engineering (2 eqv)
  • OCR Cambridge Technicals extended certificate in Engineering (1 eqv)
  • AQA Product Design

The OCR Cambridge technical is an excellent qualification to build on the knowledge, skills and understanding developed from our KS4 curriculum. In our Level 3 qualifications we aim to where we aim to deepen knowledge, understanding and technical skills across a range of core and pathway specific units with some embedded project/employer based learning tasks.

However, not all students have undertaken the OCR Nationals, so our sequencing is of huge importance. Within year 12 all diploma students undertake the extended certificate qualification and units to build and secure a strong foundation of knowledge and skills before applying these to the more pathway specific options in Y13. For example A Mechanical Diploma student will study Mechanical Design and CAD in year 12 alongside Maths for Engineering, Science for Engineering, Principles of Mechanical and Principles of Electrical then these will be developed and applied to CAM, Mechanical Operations and Materials Science in Y13.

To further support and engage Y12 students we also deliver ‘technical skills’ which is workshop skills based sessions so students are familiar and have a secure understanding of workshop practices and skills before being assessed on these in Y13 for Mechanical Operations.

Within the units there is significant interleaving between the units so student’s knowledge is developed and embedded through a spiralised and interleaved curriculum such as CAD, Mechanical Design and CAM all having shared aspects.

These qualifications have been selected as they allow students to develop a deep understanding of a range of Engineering disciplines and units with academic rigour. This will allow graduates to progress with a very strong foundation of knowledge into higher and degree apprenticeships or onto an Engineering Degree at University.

KS5 Curriculum Knowledge Covered - Coursework and Examination

KS5 Engineering unit options (E is examination unit)

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KS5 Product Design Technical Principles Exam - 30% of A level. Includes;

Materials, applications, manufacture, performance and testing for - Metals, Polymers, Woods, Elastomers, Composite, Modern and Smart materials.

Designing and making principles Exam – 20% of A level. Includes; Iterative design process, design theory, design styles and movements, socio-economic influences, technological developments, SME issues, analysis and evaluation.

NEA – 50% of A level

Practical application of technical principles, designing and making principles

Mutually beneficial curriculum connections

A large overlap for Mechanics in Engineering, Maths and Physics along with science for engineering and maths for engineering. Mechanics is taught early on in physics, late in maths and is a yearlong unit for year 12 so is interleaved and has opportunity for retrieval practices throughout the year. There is also a large overlap with Maths and Maths for Engineering, this is sequenced differently to A level Maths where content is first taught in mathematics and then retrieved for maths for engineering.

Long Term Plans

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Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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